GREYCORTEX has released the latest version of its MENDEL network traffic analysis solution. Version 3.6.1 brings important improvements and bug fixes.
Improved Incident management
- Added incident label management (custom labels)
- Excluded false positive incidents by default
- Possibility to add watchers from incident page form
- Ability to change incident state
- Changed PDF report title
- Added time range into PDF report title page
- Added new items into incident overview header in PDF report
Faster representation of event queries in the lightbox
Removed user information from managerial/security reports and emails
Reworked firewall plugins compatibility with PaloAlto
Added ability for no-reinstall recovery after motherboard replacement on DELL server
In general, our development team focused on improving user experience and reporting, as well as more improvements to user experience, system stability, and performance.
Official MENDEL Product Support
Full-service support is provided for the versions 3.6.x and 3.5.x. Limited service support is provided for previous version 3.4.x. Versions 3.3.x and older are no longer supported, end-users with valid support and maintenance or active SW subscription can upgrade to the supported version(s).
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